Mt. Sinai Church of God is a Bible-Believing Pentecostal church committed to a strong Christian witness to the world. We believe it is our duty to share the Gospel in word and deed with all People. Our intent is to honor God and hold to His Word as "the authority" in regard to our faith and practice, and embrace others in true fellowship.
General Overseer, Arthur Clark, Pastor Mt. Sinai Church of God
It is the Mission of Mt. Sinai Church of God to: Lead people into the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and into fellowship and worship with other disciples of Christ; To nourish converts so that they develop and continue to renew their relationship with God beyond the point of conversion to true discipleship.
To teach and empower its members to lead fruitful and productive lives sharing their time, talent, and treasury for the up-building of the kingdom of God (stewardship). To carry the truth of God throughout our communities, nation and the whole world through evangelism and outreach.